The Professor and Maryann
Fact: If you are now humming the unforgettable sitcom tune that this article’s title brought to mind, statistically you are the average age yacht owner in the US!
Fact: Failure to perform regular safety checks on your yacht and equipment will increase your chances of becoming a castaway, without a theme song or a best friend named Wilson.
Fact: The US Coast Guard Auxiliary in partnership with The US Power Squadrons will perform a safety check on your yacht for FREE.
As a result, you may save money by increasing awareness of safety practices to avoid accidents and costly breakdowns and identifying possible yacht insurance discounts.
A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesy examination of your vessel to verify the presence and condition of certain Safety Equipment as required by State and Federal regulations. The /Vessel Examiner is a trained specialist and is a member of the United States Power Squadrons or the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. They will also make certain recommendations and discuss certain safety issues that will make you a safer boater. This is not boarding or a law enforcement issue. No citations will be given as a result of this encounter.
Vessels that pass will be able to display the distinctive VSC decal. This does not exempt you from law enforcement boarding, but you can be prepared to make this a positive encounter.
Some of the items checked:
• Proper display of numbers
• Registration/Documentation
• Personal Flotation Devises
• Visual Distress Signals
• Fire extinguishers
• Ventilation
• Backfire flame control
• Sound producing devices
• Navigation lights
• Overall vessel condition
To obtain more information and to schedule your FREE safety check click below:
